What is IMAX? Everything You Need To Know

What is IMAX? The difference in this dimension is readily apparent as soon as you step into the theater; How? Well, the screen is massive! 

The film business is one of the country’s major industries. A movie can sometimes show the audience a country’s social situation. The quality of a country’s films can assess its social, personal, historical, and economic standing. A movie’s quality can be measured by various factors such as story, music, performance, and a mix of numerous features.

In this new era, these are becoming secondary elements, with visual and audio quality taking precedence. In addition, most people today see 3D movies at multiplexes, theaters, or cinema halls. As a result, theater owners are attempting to upgrade their theater’s viewing elements from basic or old to the most recent technology supported.

What Exactly is IMAX?

IMAX is a firm that manufactures high-resolution lenses, film codecs, projectors, and movie theater equipment. Its term frequently alludes to the movie format and the viewing experience. The main distinction between a standard movie theater auditorium and a premium movie theater auditorium is the diameter of the screen and the theater itself.

Furthermore, IMAX uses loudspeakers behind the screen and constantly adjusts stadium seating to face the higher screen, regardless of where a patron is. Finally, IMAX offers the most refined quality visuals accessible, particularly with their actual 70mm film prints.

What Is IMAX?

IMAX Theater 

This theater technology is not new; it was first launched in 1971. However, that was not very popular; it began to blossom in the 2000s. Initially, these theaters were used to display wildlife films. Finally, however, it created its technology, and several sorts of graphical cinema are exhibited on these screens. There are around 1500 IMAX theaters in eighty countries worldwide, as per IMAX data.

IMAX theaters have a large circular dome and a flat screen. So, you can enjoy the lifelike effects of the movies as if you are actually in the film. These theaters must use linear polarization technologies and powerful cameras to provide this incredible impression.

Another advantage of these cinemas is that you can see the movie from a broader angle. The image from one viewpoint can be observed from all angles with this particular function. It is possible because the expanded images split from the right and left eye points of view.

There are specialist sound designers and audio system arrangements in IMAX theaters for unmistakable and robust sound.

How does IMAX work?

What Is the Difference Between IMAX and Regular Cinema?

It’s like asking what the distinction is between water and pure water. The difference between the two is the quality of the water. The IMAX screen provides the highest picture quality on a large screen and the best sound technology. In addition, if the entire movie is shot with an IMAX camera, it’s a visual delight on the IMAX screen because you can see the whole large screen filled.

  • The IMAX Company, a Canadian theater firm, introduced IMAX into the industry in 1971. It was created to make high-resolution videos more accessible to the audience by utilizing cutting-edge technology. On the other hand, traditional theaters have been available for quite some time.
  • Traditional screen filmmaking with low pixel resolution is available in conventional theaters. IMAX is well-known for its vast screen, which resulted in a diverse film format. It is ten times larger than a typical theater and features high-quality sound and video.
  • IMAX uses three projection formats in its various products and a 70 mm film system, IMAX 4K with laser and 15 perforations, and IMAX 2K Digital. However, traditional theaters only have one film format, 35 mm on a rectangular screen with a squared view.

Avengers: Infinity War IMAX® Screen vs. Standard Screen

Standard sound vs. IMAX sound

The only item that is affected by the size of the room is the IMAX audio section. However, as stated by IMAX, its sound system is a combination of precisely tuned audio systems and exact speaker alignment. That is why having lousy audio in the cinema theater is pointless no matter how much further you are from the speakers.

During the remaking of cinema pieces, it is essential to re-record the conversations of the movie actors to deliver the finest audio level to the audience in the theater. The IMAX theater’s sound can be immersive since it uses 12-channel or largely 6-channel sound systems, which provide basic sounds. However, it usually changes depending on the qualities of various theater rooms.

Though many sound systems are utilized in Standard theaters, most Standard theaters use 5.1 or the same sort of audio system. The excellent quality is adequate but not as superior and straightforward as an IMAX theater. The primary distinction between IMAX theater audio and standard theater audio is the absence of consistent criteria for the properties of their sound objects.

The Art of IMAX Sound

Standard 3D vs. IMAX 3D

You can recognize minor elements rather well in regular or conventional 3D, but in IMAX 3D, you will be able to distinguish large objects more precisely.

It is based on the same premise as its digitalization. IMAX is used to:

  • Improve its 3D technology further.
  • Achieve the highest possible visual quality by combining the pictures of two separate projectors. 

For 3D technology, IMAX replicates the human eye’s features and adjusts the projector’s operation accordingly.

How Does IMAX Work?

IMAX’s competitors

With the emergence of IMAX digital theaters, came competitors seeking to replicate “the IMAX experience.” Here’s a quick rundown of today’s most popular display forms and technology.

IMAX vs. Dolby Cinema

A Dolby Cinema and a digital IMAX auditorium are frequently found in the same theater. They offer big-screen experiences, but IMAX boasts a more prominent display and more seats. However, Dolby is known for producing sharper, more explicit pictures and leather recliners, and plenty of thunder.

IMAX vs Dolby Cinema. What’s better?


An RPX auditorium, like a Dolby, has a giant screen and a large number of available seats. RPX projectors are not longer than IMAX screens while having better sound and picture quality than average projection. Rather than emphasizing the height, they accentuate the width.

The Best Way to See Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker (IMAX v RPX v XD v Dolby Cinema)


D-BOX is about the seats rather than the screen. D-BOX seats move around with movies, simulating a 4D experience. So, if you’re interested in “feeling” a flick through the seats,  D-BOX might be the way to go.

D-BOX Review: Is It Worth The Money?

What Makes IMAX so Unique?

Re-Mastering Of Digital Files (DMR)

The content exhibited in an IMAX theater is superior to that shown in regular cinemas. DMR – or Digital Re-mastering – a transformational technology pioneered by IMAX Corporation – is the unique feature of the IMAX mix. This is IMAX’s entire process of transforming a compelling film into a magnificent IMAX blockbuster with unrivaled picture and sound quality. IMAX works with the director and developers of each movie for months to achieve the following: 

  • Destination
  • In the editing room of its DMR facilities- Intending the shots
  • Re-mixing the sound
  • Diligently adjust the saturation, contrast, and brightness
  • Design thousands of specifics in nearly every frame to introduce the film at its best.

It’s usually done after the picture has been shot, but prominent directors are frequently asking IMAX to be a part of the filmmaking process from the beginning. As a result, IMAX is becoming ingrained in the genes of an increasing number of Hollywood films.

Tenet IMAX® Behind the Frame | Shot on IMAX Film

That means that an IMAX film is frequently conceived as an IMAX film, with the filmmaker collaborating with IMAX to determine:

  • Which parts should be shot with an IMAX camera
  • What techniques end up making the most of the IMAX screen, sound, and cinema
  • How the drama should start to unravel and reap the benefits of IMAX’s larger format, richer color, the sheer scale, and impact.

Dunkirk IMAX® Behind the Frame


The sound is an essential aspect of the IMAX experience. That is what gives an IMAX film its visceral quality. You feel an IMAX cinema in your bones, not just see it.

One reason is the tremendous strength of an IMAX theater’s particular patented speaker system. Another advantage is a broader frequency response, which means more extraordinary highs and lows with as many vibrations as sounds.

It’s also vital to recognize that what makes excellent sound so difficult to achieve is that sound is influenced by the auditory surroundings and the media used to convey it. The sound is influenced by the space of the listener and the intensity of the sound source. IMAX has copyrights on theater geometry that allow them to manage these variables – the form, angles, and dimensions are unique to IMAX. The theater structure has been adapted and improved, with improved soundproofing and speaker arrangement. This enables us to establish an optimal listening environment and produce results that are so accurate that you can hear a pin dropping from across the room and know precisely where it fell.

How IMAX Works | Behind The Screens


What is the best strategy to transition when technology receives a radical improvement? Some hop on the rollercoaster straight away and have brownie points for a short time. Others do the research, sweat the intricacies, and end up with a system that will set the benchmark for years to come. This is how IMAX has always done things.

IMAX established a groundbreaking film projection method that has remained the industry’s finest quality for the past four decades. However, as digital entertainment became more prevalent, IMAX faced a new challenge: how do we create digital technology beyond the excellent products we are known for? That’s easy: concentrate on the benefits, and the new layout would deliver – higher precision, clarity, and image quality perfection. These are the characteristics of IMAX digital projection systems. So, we’re only going to become better at it.

IMAX Digital Laser Projection System


For more than two decades, IMAX has transformed the 3D moviegoing experience.

IMAX 3D and conventional 3D is as significant as distinguishing between an IMAX film and a classic film. It’s much more immersive because, like with everything we do, we push the boundaries of 3D. So, for example, the director is likely to use IMAX 3D as an intrinsic part of the tale, framing sequences to take full advantage of it and grab moviegoers. And it’s not surprising, given that directors flock to IMAX for the spectacular visual effects – notably 3D – that IMAX films bring to life.

Unlike any other 3D technology available today, the IMAX 3D projector produces 3D images with unrivaled brightness and clarity. IMAX 3D capitalizes on the notion that we can see the world with two eyes. An IMAX 3D film is two independent images shown simultaneously onto a unique silver-coated IMAX 3D screen. One picture is acquired from the perspective of the right eye, while the other is from the perspective of the left eye. IMAX 3D glasses separate the visuals, so each eye sees a different scene. Your brain combines incredible three-dimensional vision with depths above and in front of the display.


Portions of certain Hollywood films (such as the Dark Knight, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, and Mission: Impossible) are shot with unique IMAX cameras, the world’s highest-resolution cameras. These scenes’ resolution and aspect ratio are tailored for the IMAX frame, allowing the image to cover the entire screen and create an even more interactive experience.

The IMAX camera captures a distinctive IMAX image by using 70-millimeter film – twice as wide as that used in standard cameras – and unique, bespoke lenses. The seventy-millimeter film produces an exceptional negative, beautifully sharp, with a broader, more delicate color “gamut” and the richness that many directors claim only comes from cinema.

IMAX® 3D Digital Camera Featurette

IMAX Facts You (Possibly) Didn’t Know

IMAX began as an experimental film production company

It all started at Expo ’67 in Montreal, where directors Roman Kroitor and Graeme Ferguson explored multi-projector, comprehensive screen-film systems. The concept was that the filmmakers might build giant moving mosaics by projecting different images onto multiple screens. Break the rules! Mind-blowing!

For 32 years, the first stable IMAX theater has been in operation.

The world’s first permanent IMAX theater is still in operation today.

The dome-shaped Cinesphere (inspired by Buckminster Fuller) at Toronto’s Ontario Place theater was created in 1971 as a platform for mainstream and innovative films, such as those exhibited at Expo ’67 in Montreal.

IMAX cameras are Extremely Difficult to Shoot With

For filmmakers, a large format brings a slew of new challenges—IMAX cameras are heavier, noisier, and more challenging to work with than non-IMAX rivals. For example, due to the sheer quantity of the film stock, the camera could only hold around three minutes at a time. After that, the filmmakers must reload the reels for several minutes.

How to Recognize a Scene Filmed with IMAX Cameras?

When watching an IMAX film, you can determine which parts were shot with IMAX cameras as the aspect ratio abruptly changes to a squarer, more vertical position. However, when you watch the same movie on a non-IMAX display, the tops and sides of the image are transcoded, and you don’t see the complete scene.

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